We were the first to implement the biogaz technology in Morocco
Want to acheive the energy independency ?

Biodome is here for you

speed service with quality
Want to acheive the zero emission and become a green organization?

Biodome is here for you

Ensuring the quality
Devoted to the sustainability culture

We help you turn the waste in your industry into wealth

no more waste
Recycle the waste and turn it into biogenic fertilizer

Our technology help you to get biogenic fertilizer all the year along based on your own organic waste

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Either E.I.E or Life cycle assessment, Biodome helps you get certified ISO 14001 . 


Our innovative technology enable you to generate energy from your organic waste !


Our composters turn waste into biogenic fertilizer available all year along !

We are driven by values

Come and discover from where came biodome !

They trusted us

Let’s work together on your next project

and make it more sustainable and greener !